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Hello! This quiz will help you reflect on your daily habits. Whether you're active or need a boost, it's all about finding the right balance for you! Good luck!

INSTRUCTIONS: Answer the following questions about your daily routines. Pay attention to the time expressions and frequency adverbs you've learned. At the end, add up your points and find out if you're a couch potato or not!

Created by: Teacher Ana
  1. How many times a week do you play sports or exercise?
  2. How much time do you spend watching TV each day?
  3. How often do you walk or ride a bike to nearby places?
  4. How many times a week do you go out for a walk or do something outdoors?
  5. How often do you eat in front of the TV?
  6. How often do you eat fruits and vegetables?
  7. How often do you drink water during the day?
  8. How many hours of sleep do you get each night?
  9. How often do you spend time with friends or family?
  10. How often do you take breaks during the day to relax or do something you enjoy?

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Quiz topic: Am I A COUCH POTATO?
