How good are your breakfast eating habits?

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Hi! This is a short quiz to find out how good your breakfast eating habits are so that you know where you are at. There will be a score at the end of this quiz from 1 to 5 stars evaluating your experience with eating breakfast.

Remember, this quiz is not to make you feel bad about yourself. It is just to set you up for improvement and to make it easier for you to navigate around our website. Have fun and please answer honestly! :)

Created by: Group13 of Breakfast eating habit quiz
(your link here more info)
  1. How often do you eat breakfast a week?
  2. How important is eating breakfast to you?
  3. What do you usually have for breakfast?
  4. Do you think it's okay to skip breakfast?
  5. Do you enjoy making your own breakfast?
  6. How much money do you spend on breakfast weekly?
  7. How much time do you spend making breakfast?
  8. What would you do if you didn't have the time to make breakfast?
  9. Which of these breakfast items do you think is the healthiest?
  10. If you do skip breakfast, what is the main reason?

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Quiz topic: How good am Ir breakfast eating habits?
