do you have an eating disorder ?

wants to know if your food habits and your vision of your body is disordered ? i got you ! I’m an anorexic girl and like to spread awareness about eating disorders.

THIS IS NOT A DIAGNOSTIC !!!! if you want/need one, you should go to a doctor. if you’re a minor, inform your grownups about the situation, they’ll hopefully help you get the help you need !

Created by: Camille
  1. « I’m always comparing my body to other’s »
  2. « I feel dizzy when I stand »
  3. « I look too fat to me, but other people are telling me i’m skinny »
  4. « this pants are too small for me… »
  5. « i love feeling my bones »
  6. « i track my calories »
  7. « i could eat the same aliment for multiple days »
  8. « oh, i lost weight »
  9. « what do i see when i’m naked in front of the mirror ? »
  10. « i overate today »

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Quiz topic: Do I have an eating disorder ?
