Are you a brie bella or nikki bella fan?

Nikki and Brie are sisters who are Amazing! Few of us get them correct, only if Brie is in her ripped pants and Nikki in her hat. They are Identical,so they probably 90% of the time hard to tell apart.

But since you are on of the few people who CAN tell them apart. Do YOU have what it takes to see who's fan you are. But don't stress, I have made this quiz for you to try. Enjoy!

Created by: Jessica
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Does it annoy you when brie Screams Brie Mode?
  2. When Nikki cheats does it make you angry?
  3. .... Is the fearless champion. Fill in the gap with an answer please.
  4. Who would you rather be?
  5. Who would you want as your girlfriend?
  6. Would you be their friend or enemy? (No affect)
  7. Do you watch wwe?
  8. Will you Rate and Comment?
  9. Do you want to know who you get?
  10. Did you like the quiz?

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Quiz topic: Am I a brie bella or nikki bella fan?