Do You Know Nikki?

Nikki Britt is one of the newest artists to enter the world of country music. She's got a big voice that is shocking considering her petite profile. If you have not heard her music yet, you do not know what you are missing!

So how much do you really know about Nikki Britt? Do you know her dogs name? Or maybe you know which actors movies she always goes to see? Well, if you're ready, then take the quiz to find out just how much you know. What are you waiting for?

Created by: Rustic Records

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What is Nikki's favorite pizza topping?
  2. Nikki's favorite color is...?
  3. Out of all the male movies stars in the world, who does Nikki love most?
  4. If Nikki had to chose between either crayons or markers, she'd choose...?
  5. Being a country music artist herself, Nikki loves to listen to country radio. Who's her favorite artist?
  6. Not that Nikki has a lot of free time to watch TV, but when she finds a minute, what's her favorite show to watch?
  7. What would Nikki pick: chocolate or vanilla?
  8. Nikki's favorite holiday is...?
  9. Nikki likes to sing country songs because...?
  10. When the weather's nice, Nikki likes to spend time outside. What is her favorite thing to do?
  11. If Nikki had the choice between flip flops or heels - which would she pick?
  12. Which foreign country has Nikki visited?
  13. Nikki's favorite clothing line is...?

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Quiz topic: Do I Know Nikki?