Are you a bad person

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Hello My name is Ebbony and i've had people asking me if i think there a bad person so i decided to make this for them fhfdgfhsddgjfhgdfhdngfgdhgfdhbccdgfhdbchdg

My quiz is based on information i created please don't copy my quiz mfbvhdmvbj,hdbmnbchsbcnmdm bnçbn szdbsnvsdncbc,mbvfnv bcnxbvmcxngfdmnbnxbfhdfn hfghf

Created by: Ebbony
  1. If you see your friend getting bullied what do you do
  2. What would you do if your best friend got ass to prom?
  3. If you see someone copying your assignment
  4. What do you do if you see some kids smoking in the bathrooms
  5. If you see a stray cat in very bad condition what do you do?
  6. I'm getting lazy here ha
  7. What are your grades
  8. What is your name
  9. what is your favorite color
  10. Did you like my quiz

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Quiz topic: Am I a bad person

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