Are you a anime lover/watcher/hater

To test you knowledge of anime please this my first quiz I'm so tired an want to play videogames so please so more quiz's a coming :););)😻😼.......:)

Thanks for your time always watching the anime and the ministry of anime lover's every were please the you tube channel I mentioned please go watch some of their content mostly aniclimax plus owner of the channel if you're reading this please make more part 2 of some animes I'm also your subscriber

Created by: Mr M
  1. Do you you watch anime
  2. If you was looking for your favorite music change but you accidentally put a channel that was showing anime what Will you do
  3. Reason why you watch anime
  4. How many different anime you have watched
  5. Do you know the anime Dororo?
  6. What was the main character curse
  7. Which anime recaper do which from YouTube
  8. who was ugly loser but unlocked a leveling system and become the strongest
  9. I'm getting tired okay in which anime the character can see the souls of people
  10. Sung jiwoo is in which anime

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Quiz topic: Am I a anime lover/watcher/hater
