What Haikyuu!! Character Are You?

This quiz will tell you who you are most alike too from haikyuu! Could you be Nishinoya or maybe even Kenma? Find out here! Make sure to be honest!(or not if you don't want too!)Have fun!!

Haikyuu was one of my first ever animes and was one of the main reasons why I got into anime-! Its a great anime and recommend it if you haven't already watched it!(if your doing this quiz without watching it no worries, it will maybe tell you a bit about the characters!)It got me into volleyball too! Enjoy chibis!

Created by: Yamayamasenpai
  1. What is your favourite food?
  2. What do you do in your spare time?
  3. When is your favourite time of day?
  4. How much do you like your friends?
  5. Why did you take this quiz?(No effect)
  6. What's your favourite type of music?
  7. A word that describes you the most.
  8. Fate!
  9. What character do you want to get-
  10. Want the results-?

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Quiz topic: What Haikyuu!! Character am I?
