Are u cool or not (boys only)(12-21 years old only)

Hello my name is 456 I made this quiz for you and many more to find out the question you all want to know, am I cool? BTW this quiz is made only for BOYS aged 12-21.

So start now and see if you are! This asks sixteen questions to see if you ate cool and trendy and all that. So yeah let's get going with this and enjoy!

Created by: Evan
  1. If u are at a loose end one day and your parents are out what will you do
  2. Do you skip school
  3. Do you vape
  4. What is your haircut
  5. What is your favourite sport
  6. What do u wear
  7. How many friends do you have
  8. Have you ever done you know what before **x
  9. What are your parents like
  10. What music do you listen to
  11. What colour is your hair
  12. Do you have a girlfriend
  13. Have you ever vandalised anywhere
  14. Where so you live
  15. Do u know the latest memes
  16. Do you think ur cool

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