Which boy are you in love with ? Heroes of Olympus girls one

This quiz is only for girls but I'll make one for boys as soon as possible . Basically I've chosen 5 boys from the Heroes of Olympus books as results .

You take this quiz , answer the questions honestly and then you get your answer . The 9th question asks about godly parents so if you don't have one yet , I advise that hou get one before doing this quiz .

Created by: AnnabethxPercy
  1. Which is your best quality?
  2. What would you do first out of these after seven years of loving each other ?
  3. On your first date you ?
  4. Your favorite colour is ?
  5. Before this one you ?
  6. Favorite animal is ?
  7. Who do you hate the most ?
  8. Who do you hate the least ?
  9. Who is your godly parent ?
  10. Did you like this quiz ?

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Quiz topic: Which boy am I in love with ? Heroes of Olympus girls one
