Would I get in a relationship with you? (Boys and girls)

Just a fun quiz to know if we would click when we'd meet in real life. Would we be a good couple? Take the quiz to find out! (Quiz is just for fun, results don't mean that you are bad or good, just means that I would like you)

It is made in a way that is not gendered, so both girls and boys can try it. Questions are centered around my preferences in a relationship, but even outside of it. I wish you good luck and maybe a match outside of tinder lmao :D

Created by: Nate
  1. What is your love language?
  2. Are you romantic?
  3. Do you believe in soulmates?
  4. (NSFW) How often do do like to get intimate?
  5. Do you like kissing?
  6. Do you like existential conversations?
  7. Are you introverted or extraverted?
  8. Would you want to spend all your time with me?
  9. Are you deeply emotional?
  10. How many children would you like to have in the future?
  11. What do you think that life is?
  12. Are you crazy about politics?
  13. Do you prefer one night stands over serious relationships?
  14. What kind of body do you have?
  15. Are you an indoor or an outdoor type of person?
  16. What is your MBTI type?
  17. What is your hair color?
  18. Would you rather tell the harsh truth or spare my feelings?
  19. Do you like to be in a physical contact in a relationship (ex.: kissing, hugging, holding hands)
  20. Do you have social media? (YouTube doesn't count)
  21. Do you vent to people close to you?
  22. Do you use gen alpha slang? (ex.: sigma, skibidi)
  23. Are you mentally ill? (ex.: depression)
  24. And last one! How do you feel about holidays? (ex.: Christmas, Easter, Halloween)

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