How Much Do You Know Wizards Of Wavely Place?
Answer Key Below
Below you can find the answers to "How Much Do You Know Wizards Of Wavely Place?" -- just scroll down and find which ones you got wrong. Then you can explore the rest of the site.
- Who is the oldest out of the kids in the russo family?
- Alex
- Justin
- Max
- Who is the princible of there school?
- Mr cowboy
- Mr laritate
- Mr horsey
- Who is Alex's friend that has a crush on Alex's brother?
- Maria
- Harper
- Emily
- Who is Alex's big brother?
- Max
- Justin
- In the episode when Alex was born in a cab and what number was the cab that Alex was born in?
- 846
- 537
- 743
- 804
- Who was the girl that Justin liked who he said that was a million years old?
- Milky
- Milly
- Mill
- Milk
- What is the kids mums name?
- Maria
- Milly
- Theresa
- Tilly
- Who was the girl that Justin saw at the late nite bite sandwich shop?
- Juliete
- Vampire
- Sarah
- Maria
- Who is your favourite character?
- Justin
- Alex
- Max
- Harper
- Theresa
- Jerry
- What is the name of there shop?
- Wavely sandwich shop.
- Wavely sub shop
- Wavely sub station.