How Much Do You Know Wizards Of Wavely Place?

I hope you are a fan of the show because some of these questions are hard. Or not, if you are a smart person who watches wizards of waverly place a lot well I am.

Are you going to pass this quiz? I bet you are do you watch wizards of waverly place on saturday Disney or Disney channel, on auster its a good show is'nt it so you should watch it more?

Created by: sarah of [no urls]
(your link here more info)
  1. Who is the oldest out of the kids in the russo family?
  2. Who is the princible of there school?
  3. Who is Alex's friend that has a crush on Alex's brother?
  4. Who is Alex's big brother?
  5. In the episode when Alex was born in a cab and what number was the cab that Alex was born in?
  6. Who was the girl that Justin liked who he said that was a million years old?
  7. What is the kids mums name?
  8. Who was the girl that Justin saw at the late nite bite sandwich shop?
  9. Who is your favourite character?
  10. What is the name of there shop?

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Quiz topic: How Much do I Know Wizards Of Wavely Place?