Am I In Love? Quiz

Are you really in love? Or is it just a child's infatuation? How strong does your love really run? Take this quiz to possibly, maybe, idek if you will, find out!

I ' M S O F A N C Y ! C A N ' T Y U T A S T E D I S G O L D ? I ' M I N T E H F A S T L A N E F R O M L A T O T O K Y O ! I S O F A N C Y ! N O W S H U T T E H H E C K U P . . . !

Created by: Lily
  1. Is that "certain someone" in your head why you're taking this quiz?
  2. How close are you two?
  3. How well do you know him/her?
  4. Do you really love them?
  5. How often do you think about them?
  6. Imagine wading through a river and on the other side is your crush. How wide/deep is the river?
  7. DOCTOR WHO IS THE BEST FLIPPIN SHOW EVER (note: this does not affect results)
  8. These next 3 questions also do nothing. How do you react?
  9. Nyaa *mew*
  10. over is quiz, well, Okay

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