Are you in love

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There are many people in the world and a lot of them are in love. To find out if your in love take my quiz it is fun relaxing and it can tell you if your in love

Are you in love? Take this quiz to find out just sit back relax and answer twelve questions to find out. It is a free and fun way to find out if your in love or not

Created by: Carson of
(your link here more info)
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Do yo find it hard to talk to guys
  2. Do you blush when a guy comments you
  3. When a guy is around do you try to hide or tend to get shy
  4. When a Guy is talking to you do you stay calm or freak out
  5. If your best friend just got a boyfriend would you be proud or jealous.
  6. If you liked someone what would his personality be like.
  7. What is your age
  8. What do you like to do on your free time
  9. What would you do in class if you were assigned a project with a boy
  10. If you had a boyfriend and secretly found out he was cheating on you what would you do

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Quiz topic: Am I in love