Am I Hot, Pretty, Average, or Ugly? (For ages 12-40)

Are you wondering, how cute am I? Do I look good? Hehe. Well, this is the quiz for you! Answer some simple questions and you shall see how good and attractive you are!

Don't be scared to answer the questions truthfully. Each result is heartwarming, even the result that says ugly! Now go and take this fun, easy test!!!!!!!!! Good luck.

Created by: Miana
  1. How thin or fat are you?
  2. How good is your behavior?
  3. What is your hair color?
  4. Eye color?
  5. Skin Color? (don't worry no racism)
  6. How is your face?
  7. I am...
  8. What's your FINAL height?
  9. How often do you exercise? ( walking does not count )
  10. Thank you for coming!!! (answer has no effect)

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