Am I bad quiz (pretty)

This test was to basically ask yourself this simple question,am I bad..... If you got your not cute or anything like that I'm soooooo sorry but you took the test

If you got your bad or anything like was to give yourself confidence....and now you can walk around like...yassss I'm that chick that everyone wants but no one can get ; ) *_*

Created by: Makenzie
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. What's your skin color
  2. Do BOYS say your bad
  3. How long is your hair
  4. Do u have a big butt
  5. How tall are you
  6. What grade are you in
  7. Do u get your nails done
  8. What nickname would u want around school
  9. How are your teeth
  10. Do u have dress game
  11. Do u have curves
  12. How are your eyes
  13. Do u think you bad

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