Am I a True Fan of Matt Olsson's TV show, "The Verse"

i like eating metballs. sometimes when i eat them i feel neauseous because i use the trashcam and i am an idiot i think i need psychjological helpand eventualition

i thiink coldplay is a curse and i hate taylor swift and cats and i hate all types of cute cute stuff they are equivalent to the holocaust and hitler and maoz eod=ng

Created by: i have a boner
  1. are you absurd
  2. are you antagonistic
  3. whos your favorite antagonist
  4. are you idiotic
  5. whos your favorite antagonist
  6. are you bizarre
  7. whos your favorite character (other than the many antagonists)
  8. gender
  9. do you hate cats
  10. do you hate romance and love songs and do you hate coldplay

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