The Ultimate Alexa and Katie Quiz

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This quiz will test your knowlge of the amazing show Alexa and Katie to see if you are a super fan or not. Take this quiz and you will find out. Have Fun!

If you get a bad score take that as a positive because then you can binge watch some more and Get 100% next time. So make sure to be happy either way!

Created by: Sasha Smith
  1. What is Lori's mother's name?
  2. What color lockers did Alexa and Katie have when they were sophmores?
  3. What color was the scarf that Lori knited during Alexa's Febuary Checkup?
  4. What did Justin keep calling Katie in the episode "Support Group"?
  5. Who else did they show auditioning for the part of Juliet?
  6. What school do Alexa and Katie go to?
  7. What collage does Alexa go to?
  8. What collage does Katie go to?
  9. Why did Lucas breakup with Gwenny the first time?
  10. What did Lucas do to get gwenny to get back together with him

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