Katie the Catsitter Who is your best friend quiz

In this quiz,you learn who your best friend from Katie the Catsitter is.The characters that I put are Katie,Beth,Mr. B,Jess,and Marie.There are 5 answers for each question.I hope you like the quiz!

WARNING:CHOOSE WISELYIf you don't choose wisely,you will get a person you don't want.In this quiz,you are you.It is you that is getting a friend.Katie is an awesome result!

Created by: Titanic the Icewing
  1. First Question, PEOPLES!What does your friend like to do?
  2. Who do you want as a friend?
  3. What is your friend's favorite animal?
  4. Does your friend have a job?
  5. Does your friend have hair dye?
  6. Does your friend have a dad that lives with them?
  7. Does your friend have a mom that lives with them?
  8. Does your friend have siblings?
  9. Does your friend like cats?
  10. Do you like cats?

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Quiz topic: Katie the Catsitter Who is my best friend quiz
