How well do you know Alexa and Katie?

My sister is watching this show called Alexa and Katie it's a good show. It's about two girls. So yeah if you've seen the show try this quiz. If not you can try the quiz but you might not do to well .

I hope you like this quiz. It's very fun and entertaining. There is mostly yes, no, or trick question questions. There are ten questions in all. So enjoy!

Created by: Lena
  1. Who has cancer?
  2. Who's best friends?
  3. Do Alexa and Katie have a treehouse?
  4. Does Katie shave her head for Alexa?
  5. Do Alexa and Katie have brothers?
  6. Katie's sister is Alexa best friend.
  7. Can Alexa go to the winter dance?
  8. Do Alexa and Katie wear wigs?
  9. Does Alexa get a boyfriend?
  10. Does Mia wear a wig?

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Quiz topic: How well do I know Alexa and Katie?
