Aaron is now a girl....forever

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Kill me. REEEEEEEEEEE f--- YOU JANE! Oiuvhrwevgrhoiuuihyvfgrukhyrvrtuyhegfvuyihevtfuykhrvetgfvdhiuvrtrkuyhrbtuih7rtybiuhuiuhREEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE

Kill me. f--- JANE I HATE MY LIFE KILL ME PLEASE I JUST WANNA DIE ....... Addy/Aaron: Im just a girl..... YES YOUR A GIRL BUT THAT MEANS IM LESBIAN AND I DONT WANNA BE LESBIAN (Not to be rude to lesbian and gay people)

Created by: My_Wolves
  1. I- help me.....as you see in the quiz picture Aaron is the black/brownish haired girl...Aaron: My new name is Addy.
  2. *Changing Aaron's name to Addy*
  3. . . .
  4. Successfully changed name....Addy: YAY.....Me: I hate this already
  5. Me: I hate my life
  6. Dont touch me dont talk to me dont look at me dont do anything that includs me unless its killing me
  7. Addy: She's just joking....hopefully....Me: SHUT UP I NEED TO QUESTION THE MEANING OF LIFE
  8. Addy: *Realizes what quiz picture is* s--- WHY THAT PICTURE!?
  9. Addy: Um b-bye *drags me out room*

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