A Would You Rather Quiz 2

Hey guys. Well my first would you rather quiz actually done kind of well. I think it did anyway. So again I thought I'd make another quiz. Since my other one was liked a little bit and these sorts of quizzes are easy to create, I thought I'd make a second one. It will be almost exactly that same as the number one except that there will be different would you rathers. Obviously you knew that though. Well I hope you like this one too although I don't really mind if you don't. I'm not looking for praise.
I quite enjoy making would you rather quizzes. The reason for that is I like answering the questions as I add them to the quiz. It is almost like I am taking another quiz. I don't even have a choice thought as the result you get depends on how similar our answers were. Most people chose mostly the same as me last time I think. I wonder if that will be that case this time. Maybe it will be. Anyway, I still don't get why you are still reading this. It's just me talking which is boring. Yeah you should just start taking the quiz already.