A legit IQ test (More than 37.5% complete)

This quiz is a normal IQ quiz to test if you know some questions with the use of your IQ. Best of luck on the quiz, and I wish you a high score, and Merry Christmas.

Your score will indicate how much IQ you have, depending on the score. Answer each question correctly, and hope for the best of luck. Good luck on the quiz, and have a Merry Christmas.

Created by: QuizIQ
  1. If you have 4 apples and eat 25% of them, how many apples remain?
  2. If you are in a room, and you meet a pile of money,
  3. Among the three, choose the meanest one.
  4. what is the value of pi?
  5. Choose the largest number.
  6. Choose the smallest number.
  7. Is the earth really a sphere?
  8. What would you prefer?
  9. Where was Minecraft made?
  10. What was the answer to number 1?
  11. What is the smallest 2 digit number in 5126?
  12. Final question! What do you think are your results?

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