How In Love Are You?

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You believe you are in love. You like to think you are... But is there really a legit way to find out? Well... You could try taking this quiz! Hehehe why not right? maybe this quiz is that one next step to knowing your with the right person.

So try it!!! Comment your results!!! What did you think? Do you like it? would you do it again? and most importantly, do you think, that this test has made your life easier? :) good luck

Created by: TroyAndDelillah
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. What is your partners favorite color?
  2. Do you think you know your partner? like, REALLY know them. Be Honest!!:)
  3. How often do you talk with your special someone?
  4. If you had to choose, your life, or your partners, which would it be?
  5. How much do they mean to you?
  6. Do you see a future with them?
  7. How long do you see each other together for?
  8. Do you enjoy skittles?
  9. How well do you understand each other?
  10. Did you enjoy this quiz?

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Quiz topic: How In Love am I?