Which Wings of Fire NightWing are you?

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Welcome to the quiz! Like all my quizzes the results are a surprise. Be aware that this quiz DOES CONTAIN SPOILERS and this is your warning ⚠. I am not responsible for spoiling the series if you don’t listen to this warning.

This is a quiz to see which Wings of Fire NightWing character you are. I hope you enjoy this quiz and others that I might make in the future! Without further ado, I present the quiz!

Created by: Tsunami
  1. What is the coolest power?
  2. So let’s say you’re an animus. What’s the first thing you would enchant?
  3. Let’s say you’re royalty. Where would you build your kingdom?
  4. Ok, let’s say Darkstalker has returned. He isn’t attacking anyone, but you have a bad feeling about him. What do you do?
  5. What are your thoughts on IceWings?
  6. Everyone, say hello to Kinkajou!Kinkajou: HI!
  7. What is your personality like?
  8. Pick a word
  9. How was the quiz?
  10. Time for the results!

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Quiz topic: Which Wings of Fire NightWing am I?

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