Are you Hermione, Ginny or Luna?

Have you ever wondered if you were Smart Hermione Granger, Kind Luna Lovegood or Sporty Ginny Weasley? Well then take this quiz and find out!! This quiz will determine your strengths so you can find out which wonderful Harry Potter witch you are.

‘A wonderful quiz with a great answer which is long and unique. Not just any old test, a great one!’ This is just one of our reviews. Take the test and write one for yourself!

Created by: Lizzy
  1. Which of the following is your personality?
  2. Which house are you in, or most likely to be sorted in?
  3. Which Hogwarts lesson is your favourite?
  4. Which of the following would most likely be your patronus ?
  5. Where do you want to go in Hogmeade?
  6. What is the core to your wand?
  7. Who would you date at Hogwarts?
  8. Do you get good grades?
  9. What is your blood status?
  10. And finally, what is your favourite colour?

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Quiz topic: Am I Hermione, Ginny or Luna?
