Who are you in HP?

This is the first quiz I’ve ever made. I am a kid so there might be a spelling mistake. Do you think Hermione approves? My I pad might have auto corrected some of it, don’t blame me. Are you Slytherin? Gryffindor? Ravenclaw? Hufflepuff?

Find out your true self in this quiz, who are you? Are you Draco, Snape, Dumbledore, Harry, Hermione, Ron, Ginny, or Luna? I don’t know but now you can find out, maybe if people like this i will make more quizzes.

Created by: Olivia
  1. You are at the Yule ball what are you doing?
  2. You get to choose what everyone has to eat tonight, what is it?
  3. Who’s your bff
  4. What is your age?
  5. Are you friends with a bad boy
  6. Do you do Divination
  7. Pick your favorite class
  8. Who you dating
  9. What’s your house?
  10. Who do you wanna be

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Quiz topic: Who am I in HP?
