*how much do you know about murder drones?*

this quiz is to test your knowledge on murder drones, if you like the show, please take the test and comment. murder drones is an indie animated show and written by Liam Vickers and produced by glitch productions.

I know a lot about the show, so do you? lets see! this quiz is just for fun. the information is based off of the pilot episode through episode 8. please take it.

Created by: Uzi_Doorman
  1. who is the main character?
  2. what episode is Cyn first SEEN
  3. which episode do we hear cyns NAME
  4. is Tessa Cyn?
  5. who created murder drones?
  6. what is the absulote solver?
  7. what planet does this take place?
  8. how did Uzi get infected?
  9. is Cyn a bad guy
  10. how long is the show.

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Quiz topic: *how much do I know about murder drones?*
