'Am I a therian?' quiz

hi, this is a 5 question quiz that could help awaken you about being a therian. THIS IS NOT FULLY ACCURATE! dont come for me if your results are wrong : (

its making me type more so imma just keyboard smash lol tkwvtuhwnlhilnh4vuivh4uivvhvlnngnvntvhvnhghgrtlreg erlgelgtqityliilqtniltlilthfnmjirnhhtjdvbhw

Created by: linn
  1. do you spiritually/emotionally/psychologically identify as a non-human animal?
  2. If yes which animal?
  3. do you have gear? (gear does not make u a therian i'm just wondering!!!!!)
  4. do you get shifts? (some therians dont get shifts)
  5. last question: do you enjoy doing things/being in places that animals usually do/are in?
  6. i have to have 10 ques tions but idk what else to ask so these wont affect the score!
  7. how are you?
  8. what is your fav color
  9. books or movies
  10. comics or novels

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