Which type of liberalism are you?

This is a quiz which aims to tell you what form of liberalism you are most likely to subscribe to. The different types in this quiz are conservative liberalism, social liberalism, classical liberalism, ordoliberalism and green liberalism.

It is not intended to be fully accurate, and it is just for fun. Do not take the result you are given too seriously, as it is not intended to be fully exact because there is not too many questions.

Created by: ben
  1. How do you think the economy should be organised?
  2. How should we achieve economic growth?
  3. How should taxation take place?
  4. What is your stance on immigration?
  5. Should we eradicate poverty?
  6. Do you support the legalisation of cannabis (and other minor drugs) for recreational usage?
  7. Which country from the following list has your preferred form of governance?
  8. Which politician from the following list do you admire the most?
  9. Do you support the government intervening to ensure environmental sustainability?
  10. What is your preferred school system?
  11. Which British political party from the following list do you identify with the most?
  12. Do you support a land-value tax?

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Quiz topic: Which type of liberalism am I?
