2012 Survival Test | Comments
Below are comments submitted by GoToQuiz.com users for the quiz 2012 Survival Test.
I lived! Good quiz but I made one slightly better: Check it out, please, I promise you won't regret it:
"Would you survive the end of the world?"
I live! That was freaking funny! I thought the world was supposed to end on May 21.
madid1 -
the world will not end in 2012 i have proof from over 500 billion youtube videos
bomb1231 -
I live~! But I doubt I could replopulate the Earth, being woman and all myself xD
Yay! i live! but i have a hard time believing that the world will end in 2012 or may 21st or anything like that
@ Nikki_Knox quit advertising your quiz on other ppls quizzes its annoying
Ps I loved this quiz B00YAH I LIVE!!! xDDD
I live!!!!
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