Zombie survival index

The zombie apocalypse will probably happen. How ready are you? Honest answers. These results are based on years of empirical research in my own mind. Good luck! #Fridaymadness

Made by yours truly. I hope you enjoyed wasting time playing because I sure did making it. Hope you learned something valuable today. Be productive and s---.

Created by: Chris B.
  1. You notice on the news that there is a strange medical outbreak of flesh eating bacteria in China. What do you do?
  2. You notice a friend acting all crazy and drooling. What do you do?
  3. Describe your home
  4. What is your general health?
  5. What is your weapon of choice?
  6. Who would be your comic book ally?
  7. What’s your animal ally?
  8. If you found yourself in isolation for months what would be your go to activity
  9. If you captured a zombie what would you do?
  10. In the past year I’ve gone camping:
  11. Your choice of non combative item
  12. Favorite Halloween costume
  13. How likely are you going to survive

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