the Left 4 Dead Zombie Survival Quiz

Will you survive the zombie apocalypse. Come see this is a cool zombie apocalypse quiz. It might even be the best around so take it today to find out.

Did I tell you this quiz is based on the hit game left 4 dead. Isn't that cool. I sure think it is. I wonder what it would be like fighting zombies.

Created by: Shady jr.
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. What is your job?
  2. How can u get a weapon?
  3. You find out there's a hospital, subway, apartment, and rooftop around which do you go to.
  4. Which weapon would you take?
  5. You see a tank(huge buff zombie) coming. What do you do.
  6. How would you travel?
  7. Who would you travel with?
  8. A zombie in a hazmat suit runs at you. What do you do.
  9. A smoker(zombie with a long tongue) has used it's tongue to grab u what do u do.
  10. You see a gunstore with all kinds of supplies what do u take.
  11. You see a Zombie with ullet proof armor on the front what do you do.
  12. Hunter(zombie that jumps on you then rips you up) is coming what do you do.
  13. A jockie(zombie that jumps on your back then steers you around while clawing at your head is coming) what do you do.
  14. How can you run a mile?
  15. How many desks can you lift?
  16. You see a spitter(a zombie that shoots acid at you). What do you do.
  17. You see a boomer(fat zombie that can puke on u and is full of puke.
  18. You see a barn, carnival, highway, roller coaster and huge stage used for rock concerts. Where do you go.
  19. You see a clown zombie that is using its nose and shoes to attract zombies what do you do.
  20. You see a dead cow What do ou do.
  21. You see a horde of zombies what do you do.
  22. Your on an island and the only way out are the bridges that connect the island to the city. Suddenly the army starts to blow up the bridges. The only one left is a 3 mile long one what do u do.
  23. A friend got bitten by a zombie what do u do.
  24. How lucky are you?
  25. Do you have a plan if zombies attacked?
  26. Do you have any medical knowledge?
  27. Are you good with a gun?

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