zombie survival

do you have what it takes to survive the outbreak? not so much about zombies, but the situations that come with long term survival. if you can answer truthfully without leaving this page, you are awesome!

do you have what it takes to survive the outbreak? not so much about zombies, but the situations that come with survival. if you can answer truthfully without leaving this page, you are awesome!

Created by: dick chocolate

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. you wake up to the person your are closest to. turns out they have become bloodied and bruised and you can tell they are not well, and if nothing is done, you will be dead. what do you do?
  2. you wake up to the person your are closest to. turns out they have become bloodied and bruised and you can tell they are not well, and if nothing is done, you will be dead. what do you do?
  3. fighting expertise
  4. what car do you have access to? not including your neighbors car
  5. any weapons withing your reach? (be serious, your labtop isnt a weapon!)
  6. your bestfriend is tired of your significant other and points a gun at them. who do you side with?
  7. your health?
  8. this question counts for a lot, what can you operate?
  9. intelligence question, where is the primer on a bullet and what does it do?
  10. you have a laceration on your leg and cant recive medical attention in the state your in. after you clean and sterilize it you...

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