zombie safe areas

this is the beggining of the zombie apocalypse who do you trust and dont trust what do you trust and dont trust and are you worthy of trying to survive or should you kill yourself so theres one less walker

are you a runner or a walker right now walker is a name for zombies as they dont run runners NO NOT MAZE RUNNER people who are alive are able to run and jog good luck against the walkers or for you good luck eating people

Created by: shaun
  1. if you was setting up a base where would you go
  2. if you saw a group in a small town from i hill decently far away and you had a sniper rifle what do you do
  3. you go into a basement and you have nothing but a water bottle in one pocket and a can of beans in the other the door starts banging from zombies there's a baseball bat a gun with allot of ammo a log and a lighter a machete and a backpack with nothing in it and a door going outside thats quiet (all items work for the question) what do you do
  4. your in a building and someone from a different building out front is shooting you what do you do
  5. you went out looting you have enough room for 1 thing what do you grab
  6. you go to a military base and see someone you cant see a weopan and see his bacpack you asume its full of food and water the bunker you was just in had a gun and ammo that you picked up what do you do
  7. its the first day of the apocalypse what do you do
  8. you have a car a motorcycle and a bike what do you use for transport
  9. you see a group of four people with food and water one threats the other three as he wants 75 percent of it the family of three want to make it 50 50 the aggressive guy says hes the one with the weapon and keeping them safe the family say he will still get more then they get alone as the 50 will be split between the three what do you do
  10. last question where would it be safest to loot (all are dangerous exept one)

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