Your Werewolf Role in a Pack

Take this test to find out how you stand in a werewolf pack. Will you get alpha status or will you get kicked off the quiz. Find out right here on my test.

If there are people who are power magnets on my test please take it. Same goes for the faint of heart. I'll take anybody who wants to come in. It's fun!

Created by: Protecter
  1. Are you very protective of your family?
  2. Do you hav a lot of friends?
  3. Do you enjoy the zoo?
  4. Do you know a lot about plants?
  5. What about animals?
  6. Do you like beef jerky?
  7. Do you have siblings?
  8. Do you like video games?
  9. Are you lucky
  10. Last question. Do you have a pet.

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Quiz topic: My Werewolf Role in a Pack
