What Rank Are You in a Werewolf Pack?

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There are different ranks in a werewolf pack. This quiz will help you figure out which rank you belong to. There are a total of ten answers that are very different from each other.

I hope you like this quiz, and remember to answer the questions honestly so you get the best possible answer. This is my first quiz so ... Let's see how it turns out.

Created by: Dreamquiz
  1. Who are you in your group of friends?
  2. You see your friend get bullied, what do you do?
  3. What would you most like to be when you get older?
  4. You and you friends are going on a roadtrip. You...
  5. A family member of yours has been taken by another pack. What do you do?
  6. What is your favorite season?
  7. You walk through the woods in your wolf form when you meet your mate. What do you do?
  8. What do you want in a mate?
  9. What is you favorite color?
  10. A wolf from your pack would like to challenge you to a duel, to reach your rank? You?
  11. What is you Hogwarts house?
  12. What do you like to do in your spare time?
  13. Your favorite subject.
  14. What is more important to you?
  15. Are you an extrovert or introvert?

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Quiz topic: What Rank am I in a Werewolf Pack?
