Your Warrior Cats Life

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I know there are too many Warriors quizzes in the world. They get boring. Most are not very good. Some are utter rubbish. But this Warriors quiz is special.

This Warriors quiz is the most accurate, the most helpful, the one you will do again and again. It has amazing pictures, questions that you will enjoy, and answers that you will love. So click on that button and do this wonderful quiz!

Created by: Rey

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. What Clan are you in?
  2. What is your personality in one word?
  3. It is leaf-fall. You have been sent to look for herbs for leaf-bare, but you can't find any, however far you go. Finally you have come to the mountains. You still have no herbs to take back so you keep on going. Finally you are lost in the mountains. What do you do?
  4. What colour do you want your eyes to be?
  5. What colour do you want your pelt to be?
  6. There's a battle between Shadowclan and Thunderclan! What do you do?
  7. Tom or She-cat?
  8. What rank are you?
  9. There is a drought, and one of the other clans keeps on attacking you for water. What do you do to help the clan?
  10. What's your favorite colour? (I know this question is overused but it is helpful)

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Quiz topic: My Warrior Cats Life