Your warrior cat name and mate.She cat ONLY!

This is a love story that will tell you who is your mate,and what is your name.This doesn’t mean you need to change your main OC.You need to answer these questions!

The results are at the end,and it will show a precentage of what your name/mate will be.If you didn’t answer correctly,you should re-take the test!Enjoy this test and take your time !

Created by: Dragon
  1. You are at a meeting.You see a tom from RiverClan,SparkRock.He’s completely orange.And then,WingBreeze,from your clan,ThunderClan,he’s gray with white paws.You want to talk.They seem to notice you
  2. You end the conversation with the tom you chose.You go back to the camp,next to WingBreeze,but think about SparkRock.All of a sudden,he shows up in the bushes.You...
  3. Your clan searches for you.You are talking to SparkRock.You want to talk more with him.Then,you realize that what you really want is....
  4. You are home.The next day,WingBreeze comes to you and wants to share food.He tells you,”I love you,(Your name).You!
  5. You’re in the woods.You meet SparkRock.He tells you ,”I love you so much ,(your name)!Do you want to be mates?
  6. You are pregnant!You will have kits!Whit who and how many?
  7. Are you leader?
  8. Your leader asked if you want to be a med.
  9. My ideal prefix is:
  10. Your suffix is:
  11. You are mates with who,in the end?

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Quiz topic: My warrior cat name and mate.She cat ONLY!
