Your True Political Leanings Test.

It is simply to get people to see their true political leanings for I hope this makes sense and to get people to learn some things about themselves they did not know.

I pray that people will learn of the truth on many political ideology´s and of themselves sincerely I hope this helps them really do for I see that as something that matters.

Created by: Seth Frisbie
  1. Your choice on economic system.
  2. Your view on religion.
  3. Your view on culture.
  4. Emigration thoughts.
  5. Thoughts on race.
  6. Order and stability or freedom?
  7. Government that does its job with high law and order but has lower rights or government that gives many rights but does not do its job but has high crime rates?
  8. Your thoughts on tradition.
  9. God, nation, family, stability or party, nation, family or nation God, family, or party, nation, people or God family and nation.
  10. Biggest problem.

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Quiz topic: My True Political Leanings Test.
