The Political Spectrum Test

There are many sides of the political spectrum: Centrist, Liberal, Anarchist, Conservative, Authoritarian, Fascist, Communist, etc. But this quiz evaluates the basic four: Conservative, liberal, Authoritarian and Libertarian.

Which part of the political spectrum are you? Are you true in Libertarian views? Or are you a supporter of a one party state and Authoritarian? Are you conservative or Liberal? After a few questions, you will find out!

Created by: Noah

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Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Taxes on the rich should be...
  2. Government should be...
  3. Income taxes should be...
  4. Multiculturalism is...
  5. You would support your country...
  6. Interventionism is...
  7. Corporations should...
  8. One party states are...
  9. Welfare is...
  10. Free trade is...
  11. Healthcare should...
  12. Abortion is...
  13. Authority should be...
  14. Businesses that cannot survive should be...
  15. Marijuana should be...
  16. People who do not work but have the ability to work should...
  17. The death penalty should be...
  18. Religion is...
  19. Homosexuality is...
  20. Zionism is...

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