Your 'the amazing digital circus' life (ep 1)

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Hey, sorry I haven't been on a lot lately. Had a lot of other stuff going on anyway, bai. Vhivwdiwd fiwfivqiqvihqehiwe ihwd ih d2i hdh2ij 2dhih2rch2rihoqd b

Episode 1 of your life in tadc. Have fun and bai. Vhehiehix1ehiqecci1whiec1 qhkeh e1ib1e ij1geb eib 1eh1ebcjo1ebcgo1egoe1dho1ceboc1eboj1eho 1eho1e ch1eo h1einev1

Created by: Quizuser
  1. You come home after a long day at work. You lie on your bed only to remember about that VR headset. You put it on excitedly and start up the game.
  2. You find yourself in a circus, when you take a step back, you walk into a giant purple rabbit? He then walks into other characters. Jax: "Caine, is this another one of your NPCs or a new sucker?" You're confused and try to take the headset off. You: "Why won't it come off!" Pomni: "You're sadly trapped here."
  3. Caine: "Welcome to the amazing digital circus! You can do anything here! But swearing, family friendly." You: *tries to swear.* omg. Caine: "But anyway! Whats your name?" You "my name...wh-why can't I remember my name!?" Caine: "No one ever remembers thier name. Your mind is the only thing i dont have control over... anyway, time for a new name!" (Choose a name below)
  4. Caine: "Time for a tour! *teleports you outside the tent* here is the tent, where you do whatever. *teleports you again* the grounds! Go to the digital playground, or, drown yourself in the digital lake! *teleports you to under the map* this is the void! We don'tventure out here."
  5. Caine: "New adventure time! Capture the Gloinks!" Buuble: "What are they? And what do they do? And wha-*gets popped*." Caine: "These are Gloinks. Capture them! Bye!"
  6. Ragatha: "Some of us should check on Kaufmo." Zooble: "Well, while you idiots figure that out, I'm gonna sit this one out. *gets taken by Gloinks.* Ah!" Jax: "Oh no Zoobles dead. Well, lets check on Kaufmo."
  7. Pomni, Ragatha and Jax go off to check on Kaufmo. While Gangle and Kinger go off to get Zooble. Who do you join?
  8. (Kaufmo group.) Ragatha shows you around and you eventually find your room. It's a little kidish but it'll have to do. You eventually find Kaufmo's room, also finding out that he's abstracted. Jax had already ran off.
  9. (Zooble group.) You find a pit and the three of you just stand there looking at it. Jax comes suddenly. Jax: "Hey fellas. Whats up?" Kinger: "Th Gloinks took Zooble down there." Jax: "Then let's go!" He throws a bowling ball at Kinger who grabs onto Gangle who grabs onto you. You then have a visit with the Gloink queen.
  10. (Kaufmo group.) You ran off terrified. You find a good hiding spot and see that Pomni's getting chased by Kaufmo. She escapes so you run over to her. You: "Are you okay?" Pomni: "Yeah." You both noitce an exit door and enter it. The you keep going forward and lose a bit of your sanity
  11. (Zooble group.) All of a sudden, something came through the wall beating up the Gloink queen. Gangle: "Whats that?" Jax: "Oh thats Kaufmo." You: "What." Jax: "Relax, Caines got this. Now then, grab Zooble then up the escalator." Kinger grabs Zooble and you all go up the escalator.
  12. (Pomni.) You eventually make it to the void and space out along with Pomni. Caine then goes and gets you two. Fixes Ragatha and Pomni's hand.

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Quiz topic: My 'the amazing digital circus' life (ep 1)
