Your Strange Life at Hogwarts (Contest)

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I need major help with this series! I can easily come up with twists and things for later but I need a lot of help to get there! I hope that you enroll in the contest and I will tell when it is over, but you can always continue to add ideas to your entry. Thanks!

I need major help with this series! I can easily come up with twists and things for later but I need a lot of help to get there! I hope that you enroll in the contest and I will tell when it is over, but you can always continue to add ideas to your entry. Thanks.

Created by: Pyra Potter

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Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. Hi everybody! This is for you to help me with my series. First RULES; Everything must be either PG, G, or minor PG13, nothing else! (I'm allowing PG13 because that is the rating of the HP movies) You can only enter 3 characters and they CANNOT ALL BE IN GRYFFINDOR! Also if you are doing scenes don't make them mushy gushy romance or something like that because you are only in first year. Twists can be anything. You can write about anything! Yourself, Ron, Harry, Hermione, other characters, the teachers, the house elves, classes, Quidditch, the dark forest, Voldemort, even what is going on with Blackwell or Sonya, ANYTHING!
  2. CHARACTERS: 1. Appearance. 2. House. 3. Year. 4. Blood line 5. Secrets 6. Anything else.
  3. Scenes: 1. Are you in the scene? 2. Who else is there? 3. When does it happen? 4. Anything else. 5. What happens. 6. Where
  4. Here is an example for a character: Name: Ivana Lynch. House: Hufflepuff. Bloodline: Black family and pureblooded. Secrets: Is working for Voldemort and is Yaxley's step daughter. She is a red head, hates the Weasleys, plays Quidditch, helped jinx Harry's broom, and has the gift of Sight.
  5. Example of a scene: You are in the dark forest with Draco, Harry, and Fang for detention when Draco and Fang run off like traumatized children. There is a cloaked figure drinking the blood of the unicorn and it's voice is rasp and hoarse. "_______, come to me! Help me in my quest and live forever," the voice told you. Harry gave you a look that said 'I know you want to join him' but you ignored it. "I wouldn't join you if it was a choice between you or ultimate torture!" You told the creature. "That can be arranged," The creature said. It swooped into the air and attacked the two of you until a centaur named Firenze ran him off.
  6. Twist: you and Harry were in the dungeon with Quirel and Voldemort. Quirel was telling Harry to look in the mirror and out of the corner of your eye you saw Yaxley holding Hermione in a headlock wand pointed to her temples. You tried to point this out to Harry but there wasn't a way to do so without causing suspicions and endangering your friend. So you did the last thing anyone would advise. "Stupefy!" You cast at Yaxley sending him working backwards and releasing his death grip on your 11 year old friend.
  7. 11. Thanks for your help if you enter, oh well if you don't. I can easily come up with things for later but as of now I need help with getting there
  8. Thanks again! Bye!

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Quiz topic: My Strange Life at Hogwarts (Contest)