Your Strange Hogwarts life

Do you know of any Hogwarts love story quizzes that I could take? check out **Pyra Potter!!!!** I just hate my username; Blahh45 makes it seem like my quizzes are uninteresting and lame.

Do you know of any Hogwarts love story quizzes that I could take? check out **Pyra Potter!!!!** I just hate my username; Blahh45 makes it seem like my quizzes are uninteresting and lame

Created by: Blahh45

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. Hey all my fans! Which are just @agentmotherboard @aadee and @stormwolf
  2. I knew that if I names this after a quiz series of mine that you all liked you were more likely to read it.
  3. Well I'm starting a new account called Pyra Potter. No, my name isn't Pyra but I've always liked that name.
  4. I will be copying and pasting past quizzes to Pyra Potter but will still occasionally check comments and such on Blahh's account
  5. Also, GTQ is refusing to put my new quizzes on the list so you may get a similar announcement from Pyra Potter
  6. That's it, I think. Comment/go to Pyra Potter's page/ other

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Quiz topic: My Strange Hogwarts life