Your possible nickname!

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Today you will be seeing if your nickname suits you and maybe learn some stuff you didn’t know about yourself!! You can be many different kinds of people!

The 5 types of people you can be with different nicknames are Hard Rock, Dark Shadow, Glossy Park, City Woman, and Country Horse! Hope you enjoy this! It took so long to make this too!

Created by: i like stuff 123
  1. What typical thing do you do on the weekend?
  2. What do you do on a hard test?
  3. Why are you taking this test?
  4. What nickname do you want to get?
  5. What would you do if there was a bully bullying a nerd?
  6. Your bf/gf said the most random thing ever: Wahhhhhhtttt uppppppp dawggggg! What do you do?
  7. It’s the end! What do you say to me?
  9. What up?
  10. Ok now it’s the end! Enjoyed?

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Quiz topic: My possible nickname!
