Your Maleficent life(sorry if this is bad Im only 9

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Uh...I did not know what this meant. So i guess this means you’re in my quiz, right?Well, this was very hard for me to make, and I’m 9.So i really hope you like this quiz!

I love maleficent and i hope you do too!there’s not a single maleficent quiz as far as i know, so i am sad and I decided to make one myself.i hope i didn’t make spelling mistakes...I’m bad at spelling.

Created by: 9 year old kid
  1. It’s a sunny day. Maleficent was staring sadly at the willow tree. It was a month since she last saw Stefan and she was worried. Worried that Robin would find out. She sighed and cried.
  2. *SOOO many years later*”Mommy! I can’t wait to meet my, uh...”You stopped.After hearing so many amazing things about maleficent, you didn’t have the guts to call the amazing woman a “Granny”.”Godmother.”Your mother Aurora said softly.”You’ll call her many names in your life, but for now, Faerie Godmother is fine.Come on, It’s your first time over the bridge, Rose!”You, Rose Divlicent (sorry, i mean don’t people put their loved ones names in middle names?)jumped up and down in excitement .You were meeting the legendary Dark Fey!”Rosie!Come here to daddy!”Your dad, king Phillip said, kneeling down in the corner in the room.”I bought-Okay, mom too-this black dress for you.We think it’s very you-and very maleficent.”He said, gesturing a beautiful black dress.It sparkled in the light and had two enormous black wings behind.You stared down at the shark teeth necklace that came along with it.It was the only part you didn’t like.”Don’t worry, we collected them after they fell off.”Dad told you.A huge sigh of relief came out of you.You loved nature and didn’t bear to harm it.You would never have faerie blood on your hands, either.
  3. You’re crossing the bridge nervously.You clutched your necklace tightly.To you, it was one of the most important day of your life.Then you entered the moors.It somehow even beat your own home in Ulstead.While your room was kinda royal standard perfect, Moors was natural.You love every faerie that flew by, and you spotted a raven that was exactly how mom described-“Diaval!”You , Philip and Aurora waved in unison .Suddenly the grass blew and your Blonde hair blew on your face.Your Green eyes slowly looked backwards and you gasped.There she was-Maleficent, Even more cooler than you imagined.”Hello,Beastie.Hello, Rosie.Oh, and Philip.”She welcomed us. With a flick of her hand, She turned Diaval into a human.”greetings!Oh, hi rose!It’s lovely to meet you.”He smiled.”And there’s actually a faerie who’d like to meet you!She’s Lily, and she’s going to join you in maleficent’s magic lessons!”Mom smiled.You grin.
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  11. Whoosh!Okay, she FINALLY appeared.You stared at her uncomfortably.She had huge pink ruffles around her neck and a pink dress with white laces.She looked like a real princess.You stared sadly at your parents.Did they want You to be like a lily?A real princess-with gowns and that.Maleficent broke the silence.”Now allow me to introduce you to your classroom.”Lily whispered to me,”Let’s run away.”
  12. “No.”you answered firmly.You’d swear you saw her eyes pop(HAHA PRISSY PRINCESS).Then you realized the classroom was wonderful!Two large moss beds on the right, and two on the left.”You and two other dark fey will be here for 3 weeks.Your parents can visit anytime!All are welcome!”Maleficent declared.”Oliva!Brandon!”She called.Within a blink of an eye, a turnda fey and a dessert fey(If you don’t what these are, I’ll drag you to the theater to watch maleficent-mistress of evil TEN times).You look deep into the Turnda fey’s eyes.They were deep brown, and you Notice glancing at you.You swear you heard a giggle that came out of her mouth.”Hand shaking time!”Maleficent said.When you shaked Brandon’s hand, you felt something grizzling behind you.Oh well, must’ve been Lily.Of course.Then you shaked oliva’s hand.You even small talked with her like you were old friends.Then-you guessed it-Lily shaked your hand so hard that your flesh was almost being digged out.You quickly let go and saw lily flirting with Brandon.ugh.lovesick princesses.
  13. Maleficent showed each of us our beds, and at my turn, she said:’Don’t chose sides.Chose nice.”

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Quiz topic: My Maleficent life(sorry if this is bad Im only 9

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