Your Magical Love Story Part 1 | Comments
Below are comments submitted by users for the quiz Your Magical Love Story Part 1.
- know Luke Jackson or Noah Kin or something? Cuz Noah and Luke are the names of my best friends ! (: Anyway, if you wanna email me any ideas, here's my email: hallo_night@hotmail (.)com without the brackets (:
Hi! My email is pri(.)kia(.)chps@gm ail(.)com without brackets =)
@Aria I don't know Luke Jackson or Noah Kin.. Those were the names I just thought with my sister. I've emailed you already : P
Hi could everyone please please please leave comments with ideas! Feel free to email me to!
Cool quiz. My Email is a m e l i a . j .h a d l e y @g m a i l . c o m , without the spaces. Spaces are actually very useful.
No offense but this was a LOT way short. And who the heck are Luke and Noah?
cool quiz - looking forward to the next part :)
Omega1 -
heres my email! i want to do a love story now!
[no emails]
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