MrsMellark's Profile

Joined on Mar 7, 2012
Status Level: Novice
MrsMellark's Quizzes
- For Purrsephone[published: Jun 02, 2012, 47 comments]
This is just a quiz to talk about the terrible news of the passing of Purrsephone. I never knew her but I am……
- My GTQ Shout outs![published: May 30, 2012, 20 comments]
Thanks for taking this! This is basically a shoutout for people who I am a fan of! But if you're not included……
- What Hunger Games district do you belong to?[published: May 06, 2012, 7 comments]
Here is my third quiz! Sorry, I ran out of ideas near the end! Please leave……
- Are you a massive hunger games fan?[published: Mar 07, 2012, 6 comments]
The Hunger Games has to be the best books on Earth. It has become a worldwide phenomenon and……
MrsMellark's Recent Posts
"I have to go now! sorry have fun at the party guys!"
"bye guys!"
"Idk you but dont go! So, Icy whats your new story about?"
"oh xD Well, heres a sausage pizza!"
"*Gives SWAGGIRL a sausage* ;)"
"*relaxes by pool with guitar*"
"yay pizza :D *plays guitar for everyones entertainment*"
":S *runs out of pool* Yay pizza time"
"hey ;)whats the story about?"
"*Dives into water with clothes on* hardcore."
"oh my days now its making random messages? FORGET ALL I SAID everything is working fine now xD back to the party! *drinks lemonade*"
"Kiara! Sorry if I take a while to reply my laptop is so slow right now idk why? :/"
"Hey kiara my laptop is taking forever to load so I won't be on tonight ;( my iPod (what I am using now) is about to die! ;( so sorry!!!"
"ok :)"
"Ooh exciting! :D"
MrsMellark's Recent Quiz Comments
"Brilliant as always! This has to be the best series on GTQ right now :) Thanks so much for giving me a shoutout im so happy! :') really…"
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"@Aria honestly its fine don't worry about it I don't mind :)"
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":D I am so happy right now! I can't believe I am speaking to one of the most popular people on GTQ xD
Best wishes for the future!…"
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"You missed me out on the first bit but oh well I don't mind! Its really sweet how you write I wish I could be as good a writer as you! You…"
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"What happened to Zach!? I hope Jev is ok :S
I can't wait to find out I'll be looking out for it :) SOrry if I don't comment as…"
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"haha well its the afternoon here and I have sports training later :'( lol just about to read the next part of goodbye... :D"
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"Thanks for including me :) Sorry i don't say much I'm a bit brain dead right now xD I will try and write more :) Thanks so much this means…"
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"Ooh cool ending! Um... I dont have x favourite if I'm honest the characters are all interesting! ;)"
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"Japanese Bobtail :) My cats are calico!"
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"That was pretty hard xD cool quiz!"