your life route

There are so many jobs,so many people with potential,but you my friend have something special a special talent that needs to be reveled and im here to give you that.

Do you need a calculation as to what my quiz thinks you will be doing as to support your self? Well here you are. In just 10 questions you will have the answer you have been waiting for.

Created by: jeremy
  1. When littler what had you always dreamed of becoming?
  2. What was your favorite game to play as a child?
  3. What type of shows do you have recorded on your TV?
  4. Where do you feel your potential is?
  5. What sport or sports do you play?
  6. Are you pushed by your parents to have good grades in school?
  7. When you get into you...?
  8. If someone were to try to disown you,what would your reaction be?
  9. Say your best friend had been spreading rumors about you,you find out from talk around school,what would you do
  10. What do you on spare time...?

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Quiz topic: My life route